1 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'World' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 3 | 3 | 1 |
2 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'J1' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 18 | 18 | 2 |
3 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'J2' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 21 | 21 | 2 |
4 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'J3' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 13 | 13 | 2 |
5 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'なでしこリーグ' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 10 | 10 | 1 |
6 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'JFL、地域リーグ' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 19 | 19 | 2 |
7 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = '海外リーグ' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 14 | 14 | 1 |
8 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'その他' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 0 | 0 | 1 |
9 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'World' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 3 | 3 | 1 |
10 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'J1' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 18 | 18 | 2 |
11 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'J2' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 21 | 21 | 2 |
12 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'J3' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 13 | 13 | 2 |
13 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'なでしこリーグ' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 10 | 10 | 1 |
14 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'JFL、地域リーグ' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 19 | 19 | 2 |
15 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = '海外リーグ' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 14 | 14 | 1 |
16 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`teamname`, `RealtimeBoard`.* FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` = 'その他' ORDER BY `Team`.`priority` ASC | | 0 | 0 | 1 |
17 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`teamname`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`league`, `Team`.`needle`, `Team`.`color_main`, `Team`.`color_sub`, `Team`.`color_text`, `Team`.`color_logo`, `Team`.`vote_count`, `Team`.`bad_vote_count`, `Team`.`priority`, (ROUND((`Team`.`vote_count` - `Team`.`bad_vote_count`) / `Team`.`vote_count` * 100)) AS `Team__approval_rate`, `RealtimeBoard`.`id`, `RealtimeBoard`.`name`, `RealtimeBoard`.`text`, `RealtimeBoard`.`user_id`, `RealtimeBoard`.`team_id`, `RealtimeBoard`.`comment_count`, `RealtimeBoard`.`pv_count`, `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime`, `RealtimeBoard`.`is_active`, `RealtimeBoard`.`is_deleted`, `RealtimeBoard`.`published`, `RealtimeBoard`.`modified`, `RealtimeBoard`.`created` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`league` IN ('World', 'J1', 'J2') ORDER BY (ROUND((`Team`.`vote_count` - `Team`.`bad_vote_count`) / `Team`.`vote_count` * 100)) DESC, `Team`.`vote_count` DESC LIMIT 10 | | 10 | 10 | 4 |
18 | SELECT `Board`.`id`, `Board`.`name`, `Board`.`text`, `Board`.`user_id`, `Board`.`team_id`, `Board`.`comment_count`, `Board`.`pv_count`, `Board`.`is_realtime`, `Board`.`is_active`, `Board`.`is_deleted`, `Board`.`published`, `Board`.`modified`, `Board`.`created`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`name`, `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`teamname`, `Team`.`name`, (ROUND((`Team`.`vote_count` - `Team`.`bad_vote_count`) / `Team`.`vote_count` * 100)) AS `Team__approval_rate` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `Board` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Board`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` ON (`Board`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id`) WHERE `Board`.`published` > '2015-04-05 10:10:00' AND `Board`.`is_active` = '1' AND `Board`.`is_deleted` = '0' ORDER BY `Board`.`published` DESC | | 0 | 0 | 0 |
19 | SELECT `AnalyticsData`.`id`, `AnalyticsData`.`date`, `AnalyticsData`.`rows` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_analytics_datas` AS `AnalyticsData` WHERE `AnalyticsData`.`date` = '2015-04-05' LIMIT 1 | | 1 | 1 | 2 |
20 | SELECT `Board`.*, `Team`.*, COUNT(`Board`.`id`) as count FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `Board` INNER JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_comments` AS `Comment` ON (`Board`.`id` = `Comment`.`target_id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = "Board" AND `Comment`.`created` > 1396659600) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Board`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` ON (`Board`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id`) WHERE `Board`.`is_active` = '1' AND `Board`.`is_deleted` = '0' AND `Board`.`is_realtime` = '0' GROUP BY `Board`.`id` ORDER BY COUNT(`Board`.`id`) DESC LIMIT 10 | | 1 | 1 | 2 |
21 | SELECT `Discussion`.*, `Team`.*, COUNT(`Discussion`.`id`) as count FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_discussions` AS `Discussion` INNER JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_comments` AS `Comment` ON (`Discussion`.`id` = `Comment`.`target_id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = "Discussion" AND `Comment`.`created` > 1396659600) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Discussion`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` ON (`Discussion`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id`) WHERE `Discussion`.`is_active` = '1' AND `Discussion`.`is_deleted` = '0' GROUP BY `Discussion`.`id` ORDER BY COUNT(`Discussion`.`id`) DESC LIMIT 10 | | 5 | 5 | 3 |
22 | SELECT `Judge`.*, `Team`.*, COUNT(`Judge`.`id`) as count FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_judges` AS `Judge` INNER JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_comments` AS `Comment` ON (`Judge`.`id` = `Comment`.`target_id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = "Judge" AND `Comment`.`created` > 1396659600) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Judge`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` ON (`Judge`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id`) WHERE `Judge`.`is_active` = '1' AND `Judge`.`is_deleted` = '0' GROUP BY `Judge`.`id` ORDER BY COUNT(`Judge`.`id`) DESC LIMIT 10 | | 4 | 4 | 3 |
23 | SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`name`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`point` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` ON (`User`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id`) WHERE `User`.`is_active` = '1' ORDER BY `User`.`point` DESC LIMIT 10 | | 10 | 10 | 1 |
24 | SELECT `Log`.`id`, `Log`.`text`, `Log`.`created` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_logs` AS `Log` WHERE `Log`.`text` = 'Done:_deleteNotActiveUsersTeamVote();' AND `Log`.`created` > 1428159600 LIMIT 1 | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
25 | SELECT `TeamApprovalRate`.`id`, `TeamApprovalRate`.`team_id`, `TeamApprovalRate`.`date`, `TeamApprovalRate`.`rate`, `TeamApprovalRate`.`created` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_team_approval_rates` AS `TeamApprovalRate` WHERE `TeamApprovalRate`.`date` = '2015-04-04' | | 98 | 98 | 6 |
26 | SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`category_id`, `Post`.`team_id`, `Post`.`name`, `Post`.`text`, `Post`.`vote_count`, `Post`.`bad_vote_count`, `Post`.`comment_count`, `Post`.`pv_count`, `Post`.`is_active`, `Post`.`is_deleted`, `Post`.`published`, `Post`.`modified`, `Post`.`created`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`name`, `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`slug`, `Category`.`name`, `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`teamname`, `Team`.`name`, (ROUND((`Team`.`vote_count` - `Team`.`bad_vote_count`) / `Team`.`vote_count` * 100)) AS `Team__approval_rate` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_posts` AS `Post` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Post`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_categories` AS `Category` ON (`Post`.`category_id` = `Category`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` ON (`Post`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id`) WHERE `Post`.`id` = 328 LIMIT 1 | | 1 | 1 | 0 |
27 | SELECT `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`teamname`, `Team`.`name`, `Team`.`league`, `Team`.`needle`, `Team`.`color_main`, `Team`.`color_sub`, `Team`.`color_text`, `Team`.`color_logo`, `Team`.`vote_count`, `Team`.`bad_vote_count`, `Team`.`priority`, (ROUND((`Team`.`vote_count` - `Team`.`bad_vote_count`) / `Team`.`vote_count` * 100)) AS `Team__approval_rate`, `RealtimeBoard`.`id`, `RealtimeBoard`.`name`, `RealtimeBoard`.`text`, `RealtimeBoard`.`user_id`, `RealtimeBoard`.`team_id`, `RealtimeBoard`.`comment_count`, `RealtimeBoard`.`pv_count`, `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime`, `RealtimeBoard`.`is_active`, `RealtimeBoard`.`is_deleted`, `RealtimeBoard`.`published`, `RealtimeBoard`.`modified`, `RealtimeBoard`.`created` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `RealtimeBoard` ON (`RealtimeBoard`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id` AND `RealtimeBoard`.`is_realtime` = '1') WHERE `Team`.`teamname` IS NULL LIMIT 1 | | 0 | 0 | 0 |
28 | SELECT `User`.`id`, `User`.`name`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`point` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` ON (`User`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id`) WHERE `User`.`is_active` = '1' ORDER BY `User`.`point` DESC LIMIT 10 | | 10 | 10 | 1 |
29 | SELECT `Comment`.`id`, `Comment`.`ip`, `Comment`.`user_id`, `Comment`.`user_key`, `Comment`.`name`, `Comment`.`target_model`, `Comment`.`target_id`, `Comment`.`target_choice`, `Comment`.`parent_id`, `Comment`.`text`, `Comment`.`vote_count`, `Comment`.`bad_vote_count`, `Comment`.`redcard_count`, `Comment`.`is_deleted`, `Comment`.`modified`, `Comment`.`created`, (`Comment`.`vote_count` - `Comment`.`bad_vote_count`) AS `Comment__good_vote_count`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`name`, `User`.`email`, `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`category_id`, `Post`.`team_id`, `Post`.`name`, `Post`.`text`, `Post`.`vote_count`, `Post`.`bad_vote_count`, `Post`.`comment_count`, `Post`.`pv_count`, `Post`.`is_active`, `Post`.`is_deleted`, `Post`.`published`, `Post`.`modified`, `Post`.`created`, `Board`.`id`, `Board`.`name`, `Board`.`user_id`, `Board`.`team_id`, `Discussion`.`id`, `Discussion`.`name`, `Discussion`.`user_id`, `Discussion`.`team_id`, `Discussion`.`choice_a`, `Discussion`.`choice_b`, `Judge`.`id`, `Judge`.`name`, `Judge`.`user_id`, `Judge`.`team_id`, `Judge`.`choice_a`, `Judge`.`choice_b`, `News`.`id`, `News`.`title` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_comments` AS `Comment` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Comment`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_posts` AS `Post` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Post`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Post' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `Board` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Board`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Board' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_discussions` AS `Discussion` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Discussion`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Discussion' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_judges` AS `Judge` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Judge`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Judge' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_news` AS `News` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `News`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'News' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') WHERE `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Post' AND `Comment`.`target_id` = 328 AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0' ORDER BY `Comment`.`modified` DESC LIMIT 1 | | 1 | 1 | 2 |
30 | SELECT `Comment`.`id`, `Comment`.`ip`, `Comment`.`user_id`, `Comment`.`user_key`, `Comment`.`name`, `Comment`.`target_model`, `Comment`.`target_id`, `Comment`.`target_choice`, `Comment`.`parent_id`, `Comment`.`text`, `Comment`.`vote_count`, `Comment`.`bad_vote_count`, `Comment`.`redcard_count`, `Comment`.`is_deleted`, `Comment`.`modified`, `Comment`.`created`, (`Comment`.`vote_count` - `Comment`.`bad_vote_count`) AS `Comment__good_vote_count`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`name`, `User`.`email`, `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`category_id`, `Post`.`team_id`, `Post`.`name`, `Post`.`text`, `Post`.`vote_count`, `Post`.`bad_vote_count`, `Post`.`comment_count`, `Post`.`pv_count`, `Post`.`is_active`, `Post`.`is_deleted`, `Post`.`published`, `Post`.`modified`, `Post`.`created`, `Board`.`id`, `Board`.`name`, `Board`.`user_id`, `Board`.`team_id`, `Discussion`.`id`, `Discussion`.`name`, `Discussion`.`user_id`, `Discussion`.`team_id`, `Discussion`.`choice_a`, `Discussion`.`choice_b`, `Judge`.`id`, `Judge`.`name`, `Judge`.`user_id`, `Judge`.`team_id`, `Judge`.`choice_a`, `Judge`.`choice_b`, `News`.`id`, `News`.`title` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_comments` AS `Comment` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Comment`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_posts` AS `Post` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Post`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Post' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `Board` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Board`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Board' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_discussions` AS `Discussion` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Discussion`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Discussion' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_judges` AS `Judge` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Judge`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Judge' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_news` AS `News` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `News`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'News' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') WHERE `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Post' AND `Comment`.`target_id` = 328 AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0' AND `Comment`.`created` <= 1417012124 ORDER BY `Comment`.`created` DESC LIMIT 500 | | 2 | 2 | 2 |
31 | SELECT COUNT(*) AS `count` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_comments` AS `Comment` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Comment`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_posts` AS `Post` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Post`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Post' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_boards` AS `Board` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Board`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Board' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_discussions` AS `Discussion` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Discussion`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Discussion' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_judges` AS `Judge` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `Judge`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Judge' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_news` AS `News` ON (`Comment`.`target_id` = `News`.`id` AND `Comment`.`target_model` = 'News' AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0') WHERE `Comment`.`target_model` = 'Post' AND `Comment`.`target_id` = 328 AND `Comment`.`is_deleted` = '0' AND `Comment`.`created` <= 1417012124 | | 1 | 1 | 1 |
32 | SELECT `Post`.`id`, `Post`.`user_id`, `Post`.`category_id`, `Post`.`team_id`, `Post`.`name`, `Post`.`text`, `Post`.`vote_count`, `Post`.`bad_vote_count`, `Post`.`comment_count`, `Post`.`pv_count`, `Post`.`is_active`, `Post`.`is_deleted`, `Post`.`published`, `Post`.`modified`, `Post`.`created`, `User`.`id`, `User`.`username`, `User`.`name`, `Category`.`id`, `Category`.`slug`, `Category`.`name`, `Team`.`id`, `Team`.`teamname`, `Team`.`name`, (ROUND((`Team`.`vote_count` - `Team`.`bad_vote_count`) / `Team`.`vote_count` * 100)) AS `Team__approval_rate` FROM `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_posts` AS `Post` LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_users` AS `User` ON (`Post`.`user_id` = `User`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_categories` AS `Category` ON (`Post`.`category_id` = `Category`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `chantsoccer_db`.`sl_teams` AS `Team` ON (`Post`.`team_id` = `Team`.`id`) WHERE `Post`.`is_active` = '1' AND `Post`.`is_deleted` = '0' AND `Post`.`id` != 328 AND `Post`.`category_id` = 1 ORDER BY `Post`.`created` DESC LIMIT 5 | | 5 | 5 | 4 |
あなたはすごい |
名無しさん高田広伸 |